Keeping our Community Connected

Weekly messages from Jason Moss, our Executive Director.

December 5, 2023

I have a confession to make. Hanukkah snuck up on me this year. Whether it is because my attention has been focused on other things lately or that as I have gotten older, this holiday doesn’t hold the same meaning as it once did, it was not until after I got back from my family’s Thanksg…

November 28, 2023

I absolutely love that society has "adopted" special days to celebrate certain things during the year. I mean days like International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19), National Coffee Day (September 29), National Hamburger Day (May 28), and my personal favorite… National Doughnut Day …

November 14, 2023

One day, my oldest daughter shared with me that she had finally figured out what I did for a living. When I asked, she said, "You schmooze." I thought about it for a while and realized she was right. Not in a negative way but more so the fact that I enjoy talking to people. Earlier this morn…

November 7, 2023

Last night, I talked with a friend I had not spoken with in a while. After catching up about the family and what everyone has been up to. Inevitably, he asked me how I was doing, which, as many people are currently feeling, is a loaded question, especially following October 7. I shared some …

October 31, 2023

I talked with one of my best friends yesterday, as he called to check in to see how I was doing. As we were catching up, I asked how his daughter’s college applications were going, and he said okay, although he is a bit worried about what he is seeing and reading about taking place on coll…