Keeping our Community Connected

Weekly messages from Jason Moss, our Executive Director.

January 9, 2024

This past Sunday, our Jewish Federation held its 29th Annual Meeting. This event each year is a chance for us to look back at all we have done in the year prior and what is in store for the year to come. In addition, this year, we awarded two scholarships – the Kimberly Dawn Ellis scholars…

January 2, 2024

As you might expect, I interact with a lot of people. It just comes with my position and the fact that I try to be “out and about” as much as possible. Over the last couple of months, these interactions have taken a bit of a turn, depending on whether I am talking with Jews or non-Jews.

December 26, 2023

One of my favorite aspects of this time of year are the retrospective looks at the year that was – what the memorable highlights were, as well as the events that will leave their indelible mark for years to come.

I have done the same thing for the last several years for our Jewish Federat…

December 19, 2023

I did something last night that I have not done for quite a while…. I went with my daughter to see a movie (on a school night) that began at 8:45 p.m. While I knew that I would probably be a bit tired this morning, spending this time with my daughter, who is home on break from college, wa…

December 12, 2023

As I write this week's column, I am streaming Radio Hanukkah on my computer from SiriusXM (Channel 638). I have been listening as I usually do each year, off and on since it began. I love that during Hanukkah, people can listen to Hanukkah and Jewish songs (on the radio), especially at this …