Keeping our Community Connected

Weekly messages from Jason Moss, our Executive Director.

June 8, 2021

If you are like me, you are counting down the days until next Tuesday, June 15. This is the day that it is assumed that Governor Newsom will lift most of the COVID-related restrictions. While I am very excited about this and would normally be inclined to write about it, I feel I need to shar…

June 1, 2021

For the past several years, I have used the week leading up to my birthday to reflect on the past year… what has gone well, what I had wished had happened differently, and what I hope for in the coming year. I consider it my personal inventory. I do this for several reasons, but mainly bec…

May 25, 2021

Israel is unlike any other country in the entire world. Roughly the same square mileage as New Jersey, and home to the SECOND largest Jewish population, it elicits deep emotional ties, not only for Jews but also Christians and Muslims as well. And as we have just witnessed the past couple of…

May 19, 2021

What a week it has been. Israel continued to defend itself from Hamas rocket fire, CDC lifted the mask mandate for fully vaccinated people (even though Governor Newsom later came out and said that California’s mandate would not be removed until June 15), vaccines began for 12-15-year-olds,…

May 11, 2012

I love being Jewish. I always have. It has always been an important part of who I am and continues to shape the person I am today.


Growing up, I was one of those “weird kids” who enjoyed going to Sunday School and Hebrew School. I loved the opportunity to gain a deeper meaning and u…