Posts by Jason Moss

Survive, Evolve, and Adapt

Over the years, I have spent a lot of time thinking about, analyzing, and even critiquing the American Jewish community. I learned and studied it as a Religious Studies undergrad, with a minor in Jewish Studies, and in grad school at Hebrew Union College, where I earned my master's degree in…

September 5, 2023

When I was a kid, today was the day I both dreaded and looked forward to each year. Traditionally, today was the first day of a new school year, unlike today, when students seem to return to school in the middle of summer. The day after Labor Day was the official end of summer for most famil…

August 29, 2023

As you may have seen over the weekend, if you were not engrossed watching El Segundo win the Little League World Series or at the movie theater yesterday in celebration of National Cinema Day, Monday marked the 60th Anniversary of the historic March on Washington that was culminated by Rev. …

August 22, 2023

Last night I attended the City of Montclair’s City Council meeting because they planned to vote on whether to direct staff to draft a resolution to denounce antisemitism and all forms of hatred. During the meeting, the council members shared thoughts and feelings that hate in any form need…

August 15, 2023

When I was studying social work in grad school, one of the aspects that always stuck out most to me was the idea of empathy and compassion. While similar in nature, they often manifest in different ways. One can be compassionate about what someone is going through, but empathy is often more …

August 8, 2023

If you think about it, our lives are influenced by the calendar. It informs us of important dates that matter to us, like anniversaries, birthdays, and upcoming holidays. Plus, for much of the country, the calendar even helps us pick out the clothes we will wear. Of course, it also reminds u…

July 25, 2023

As you might expect, my job comes with many challenges. There are the day-to-day challenges that come with running an organization, ensuring that the work we do not only creates opportunities for people to feel connected to our local Jewish community but also continues to meet the needs of o…

July 18, 2023

My ears tend to perk up when I see or hear the word…Israel. And over the last several years, Israel has continued to be at the forefront of news and information – whether it is from the innovation that continues to pour out of the country or events that occur within it. For a country rou…

July 11, 2023

Our Jewish Federation's mission is to strengthen and enhance Jewish life. We do this through the programs and services we provide and as the voice of our local Jewish community.

Although it seems like ages ago, our Jewish Federation still uses the information we gathered from our 2021 Commu…

June 27, 2023

Besides the Jewish holidays, which have always been my favorite to celebrate, the 4th of July has always held a special place in my heart. I am not sure why it is… maybe it's the pageantry, with all the red, white, and blue bunting and decorations and celebrating our nation. It could also …

June 20, 2023

Think back to some of your fondest memories of your childhood. Close your eyes if it will help you focus. My guess is that for many of you, it may center around time spent with family or friends, possibly on a trip or a party. Or it could be summer vacation. The time you had no responsibilit…

June 13, 2023

It has been a hectic week since I last wrote to you. From speaking at the South Pasadena City Council meeting, where they became the 12th city to adopt a resolution denouncing antisemitism, to participating in two meetings with the ADL (one with Glendale’s mayor and Chief of Police and ano…

June 6, 2023

This past weekend, my family traveled to Austin, TX, for a family Bat Mitzvah celebration. My wife and I always enjoy visiting other places throughout the country, and when we travel, we try to explore the cities we visit. Not only does it provide us a chance to see other communities, but al…

May 30, 2023

Certain words or phrases I hear when I am out and about make my "antenna" go up. You could understand that terms like Jewish, Judaism, and the like do that. As does the word antisemitism. This word has been at the forefront of my mind, as you could probably guess, based on my past columns, b…

May 23, 2023

There are moments from my past I remember vividly. One of them was the Shavuot service back in 1990 when I was 16 and went through Confirmation as part of a 38-member class at Temple Isaiah in the Bay Area. I remember how tight-knit my class was and how much fun we had together. In fact, man…