Posts by Jason Moss

July 23, 2024

"Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports... the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human drama of athletic competition...

 This is 'ABC's Wide World of Sports!'"


These words opened ABC's Wide World of Sports almost every Saturday afternoon from …

July 16, 2024

As a child, I remember learning, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." This children's rhyme was often used as a way to explain that somebody's thoughts and words are not hurtful. However, as we have witnessed once again, words and rhetoric can not only be hurt…

July 9, 2024

Several years ago, before it was common for people to "cut the cord" and get rid of cable or satellite TV, my wife decided that as a way to save money, we should get a streaming box. It wasn't that we were opposed to TV; it was that we were finding ourselves not watching it as often as the c…

June 25, 2024

Sunday turned out to be a hectic day in the Jewish world. Who could've possibly imagined that as we were in the midst of our Jewish Federation's 30th Anniversary Celebration brunch, honoring our organization's presidents, an event would unfold a mere 20 miles away, and we would become an int…

June 18, 2024

I'm starting to get "that" feeling that I've had throughout my life whenever I get excited about an upcoming "thing." Know what I'm talking about - that anxious and excited feeling when something you have been looking forward to for a long time is almost here?  Whether it is taking that tri…

June 4, 2024

Over the last several months, as the hatred towards Israel has continued to be exhibited through the ongoing protests, local cities adopting resolutions, and then, of course, the challenges that universities have faced with the growing pro-Palestinian protests, tent encampments, etc., many i…

May 28, 2024

With the events that have been transpiring in Israel and Gaza recently, a conversation I had with the Consult General of Israel has flooded my mind. Last April, I was interviewing then Consul General Hillel Newman for an upcoming JLife SGPV article. During our conversation, I asked him why i…

May 21, 2024

I love our tradition, especially the knowledge we can turn to as a guide of how we should love our lives. One of my favorite teachings in all of Judaism comes from Pirkei Avot, a collection of sayings/teachings from the great Rabbis. This particular one is attributed to Rabbi Tarfon - Lo al…

May 14, 2024

So often, we get tired of the mundane… the routine… the things that we determine are boring because they happen the same way all the time. And yet, when things “break” from the ordinary and it is unclear how this “new” situation will play out, we get nervous and are unsure how to…

May 7, 2024

Like so many people, I have been astonished by not only the sheer number of people who are supporting the Palestinian cause following October 7 but also how they have chosen to express their support.


In just over seven months, shortly after the IDF retaliated following Hamas' October 7 …

April 16, 2024

When I was 16, I went to Israel on a six-week trip with 44 other teens from the San Francisco Bay area. It was my first visit to Israel, and the experience impacted me tremendously. It was not until I returned from the trip that I truly understood how my life had changed. You see, the day we…

April 9, 2024

Last week, I spoke with a student from Azusa Pacific University who had questions she needed answers to for an assignment on Judaism. During our conversation, she asked if I had ever personally experienced antisemitism and what that was like for me. I shared with her that I had been spit at …

April 2, 2024

If you ask a child what their three favorite days of the year are, one of them will inevitably be their birthday. And if you ask them why, they would probably say because they get presents. As we get older, our birthdays tend to be less about the presents and more about marking an important …

March 26, 2024

I used to love going to arcades with my quarters in hand and was always on the hunt for where the pinball machines were because I LOVE pinball! I would always be amazed at those people who were good at the whack-a-mole game because they could do it much better than me, so I continued stickin…

March 19, 2024

I want to start my weekly column by expressing my personal appreciation to everyone in the community who contacted Pasadena's City Council members and the Mayor to express how they felt about the city possibly adopting a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. The individual city coun…