Posts by Jason Moss

May 19, 2021

What a week it has been. Israel continued to defend itself from Hamas rocket fire, CDC lifted the mask mandate for fully vaccinated people (even though Governor Newsom later came out and said that California’s mandate would not be removed until June 15), vaccines began for 12-15-year-olds,…

Summer possibilities are growing

Vaccinations are bringing a new excitement.

For a variety of different reasons, the month of  May has always held a special place for me. It may be because my brother’s birthday is in May, as is my brother-in-law’s, and also my anniversary. Plus, my wife’s and my birthday are at the …

Fundamentals of Acceptance

What Does it Mean to be Jewish?

inclusivity /ˌinklo͞oˈsivədē/ def: the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or mental disabilities or belonging to other mino…

May 11, 2012

I love being Jewish. I always have. It has always been an important part of who I am and continues to shape the person I am today.


Growing up, I was one of those “weird kids” who enjoyed going to Sunday School and Hebrew School. I loved the opportunity to gain a deeper meaning and u…

May 4, 2021

While I do not specifically remember when I first learned about colors, I love seeing the vibrancy colors bring into the world. Now, I have to be honest, I am not always the best at determining what colors go well with others. In fact, my youngest daughter often skips right by me and heads t…

April 27, 2021

As a child, one of the hardest things for me to do was to wait. I hated it! I hated the idea that I couldn’t have what I wanted… when I wanted it. Plus, I hated the idea that “Patience is a virtue.” As we know, a virtue is a trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good and as s…

April 20, 2021

As I prepared for our Passover Seder last month, I came across a powerful and thought-provoking reading that was penned last March and I wanted to share it with all of you as we continue to get closer and closer to end all of the COVID restrictions we have been facing this past year or so. …

April 13, 2021

I distinctly remember each of the three times I was there. The smells, the sounds, and the sites are still very fresh in mind. And each time holds a different memory and connection for me because during each visit I had a different perspective and understanding of this place. If you have not…

April 6, 2021

To say that it has been a year that none of us will ever forget, even though many of us would like to erase it and never think about it again, would be an understatement. It has not just been the Pandemic, but all of the other events, trends, etc. that have occurred in the background that ha…

March 30, 2021

I love movies… more specifically, I love quotable movies. For whatever reason, I have always been able to memorize them. Growing up, it felt like every time my friends and I got together, there would inevitably be at least one or two movie quotes that we escape our lips at some point. 

Next year in person

Celebrating Passover & Crossing Over Into Freedom

As a child, I used to love celebrating Passover. Taking extra pieces of matzah with me to school so my friends could try it. Many of them liked the taste so much, they would ask me each day for another piece. I was always amazed at how they …

A Closer Look at Our Community

Counting can provide more information than just the numbers they indicate

I love when we can see similarities or symmetry between our heritage and our country’s laws. Yes, I am aware that many of the laws that are on the books originated from the Bible, so it is not that big of a deal. H…

March 23, 2021

This has always been one of my favorite times of the year. The sun is out later in the day, the temperatures start to climb, the start of the baseball season is right around the corner, and Passover will begin this weekend. Growing up, Passover was always my favorite holiday. Since we lived …

March 16, 2021

We have now officially surpassed the one-year mark as a community dealing with COVID. Time sure flies by. It is hard to believe that a year has passed. It has been a year of holidays around a computer screen “seeing” and “spending time” with family. A year of birthday drive-by celebr…

March 9, 2021

Growing up, I considered myself rather athletic. I played in soccer and baseball teams through my teen years, while I also enjoyed playing tennis, racquetball, and golf. I also swam on a swim team for a number of years. I distinctly remember my coach reminding us each summer to make sure we …