Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

Federations Applaud Increased Federal Funding for Mental Health Care

After more than a decade of supporting increased funding for mental health programs on both state and federal levels, Federations applaud an additional $500 million allocation by the Obama administration to bolster access to mental health care

Federations Help Build Life-Saving Bone Marrow Registry

Grant from Federations to Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation helped register more than 460 Jewish bone marrow donors and save lives through transplants. Read more about becoming a bone marrow donor in a reflection from immediate past NWP chair Ann Pava.

Strengthen Millennial Engagement at March NYL Summit

Strengthening NextGen engagement and lay/professional partnerships will be the focus of the upcoming National Young Leadership Summit, Mar. 6-7 in Los Angeles. With 1 in 3 Jewish Millennials reporting no religious and communal identification, the time is right to learn new ways to reach this…

Jerry Silverman Discusses Federations’ Mission of Meaning and Purpose

JFNA President and CEO Jerry Silverman discusses Jewish Federations’ timeless mission of meaning and purpose.

A Place Where Kids can be Kids In Tumultuous Times

Uliyana Batalia, 12, lives alone with her mother in the war-torn eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk. Each day is a new struggle for them to survive the constant fighting and meet their basic needs.

One bright spot is the Teen Club at Lugansk’s Jewish community center sponsored by Federatio…