Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

New Initiative Launched to Strengthen Social Cohesion in Israel

Ruach Tova, part of The Ted Arison Family Foundation—a sponsor of the 2016 International Lion of Judah Conference—discusses its new Good Deeds Day-Kulanana initiative to strengthen social cohesion in Israel through cross-sector community and nonprofit partnerships.

Israeli Lawmakers Tour North American Jewish Communities

With sponsorship from Federations and The Jewish Agency, five members of Knesset tour the U.S. and Canada to strengthen ties between North American and Israeli Jewry.

Special Connections With Baton Rouge Strike a Chord In Birmingham

As Federation aid continues, Birmingham Jewish Foundation exec director writes about ongoing dire needs amid Louisiana flood recovery. Donate now.

Federations host visiting Israeli MKs

Federations co-host a group of Israeli members of Knesset from across the political spectrum as part of a seven-day North American tour highlighting the importance of strengthening Israel’s relationship to Diaspora Jewry

Federations Experiment to Reach Diverse Audiences

Federation executives share innovative approaches taken to engage and communicate with diverse audiences