Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

Bridging Space, Time and Hearts in Russia

The stage at Federation partner JDC’s social welfare center in Moscow stretches from Russia to Lithuania, from the 1800’s to today.

On it, students from the state-of-the-art ORT Moscow Technology School—run by Federation beneficiary World ORT—are transformed into amateur Jewish acto…

New Analysis on Affordability of Day Schools Now Available

day school affordability analysis is the first in a new series of accessibly-written reports to aid community planning from the Berman Jewish DataBank, a project of Federations. For more information, email Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz, senior director, research and analysis.

Unemployment in Israel at All-Time Low

Near-doubling of vocational training for olim this year by the Federation-funded Jewish Agency, in coordination with the Government of Israel, has helped recent immigrants find work in such fields as tourism and computer programming. Unemployment in Israel is at an all-time low.

Donate to Hurricane Matthew Relief Fund

As Hurricane Matthew wreaks a path of destruction, hundreds of thousands flee for their lives.Donate to the Hurricane Matthew Relief Fund.

Federations Join Advocacy for Seniors & People With Disabilities in Poverty

To protect seniors and people with disabilities in povertyFederations joined 74 organizations in a nationwide advocacy effort to keep down certain Medicare costs. For more information, contact Elizabeth Cullen, counsel for health policy.