Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

Yafit's Long Walk to Success

Yafit had the kind of childhood that would break most people. Until she was 7, she knew nothing but poverty and fear in her village in Ethiopia. Then her parents made her and her siblings flee, walking through deadly terrain in the blindness of night for a month and a half, never knowing whe…

Negev Now Allocates $225K to Spurring Innovation in the Negev

New from the Negev: $225K from Federations’ Negev Now initiative allocated to cutting-edge wellness projects and arts-driven community development leadership programs. It’s our latest step in making the desert bloom. Learn more.

GA 2017 Site Now Live!

Your next click has got to be the  new GA 2017 website. That’s right, it’s live! Just click here to venture further into the upcoming GA, Nov. 12-14 in Los Angeles.

LISTEN: Expert Analysis of Pres. Trump's Visit To Israel

An analysis of President Trump's visit to Israel was the focus of a conference call today with Middle East expert David Makovsky. Listen to the insightful discussion.