Your Global Reach

Your support of our local Jewish community in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys connects us to an incredible network of important work that supports Jewish communities around the world.

The top 10 business trends that will drive success in 2018

Will new 2018 business trends — like companies aiming to serve community, not just consumers, and the advent of Generation Z — impact philanthropies? Read more.

Why more philanthropists are giving before they die

A new giving model could affect how large sums of money are put to use.

What you need to know about end-of-year giving

31% of annual giving happens in December. And pending major tax legislation changes mean it’s time to talk to donors now — about income and estate taxes, investment assets, IRA charitable rollovers, and lifetime giving. Read this in-depth memo and email any questions to Steven Woolf,…

In a tough year, charitable giving rises this holiday season

An increase in Giving Tuesday donations foreshadows a great end-of-year giving season.

JFNA statement on U.S.'s announcement about the Jerusalem Embassy Act

Read JFNA's statement​ about the U.S. administration's announcement on the Jerusalem Embassy Act.