
9 2019

Yom Kippur Day Services at Beth Shalom

9:30AM - 7:00PM  

Beth Shalom of Whittier 6726 Washington Avenue
Whittier, CA

Contact Lance Tapper

Beth Shalom welcomes you to our Yom Kippur Day Services at our interim home, First Friends Church in uptown Whittier.  All services will take place in the Meeting House (sanctuary).  Hazzan Lance H Tapper officiates with the Beth Shalom Singers (professional Choir), and our organist /choir master, Mark Peterson.  The Shacharit, Torah service, and Musaph will begin at 9:30 am.  The Minchah, Yizkor, and Neilah services will begin at 4:00 pm sharp. 

All are welcome to attend these services as they are free and open to the public.  The synagogue does request a donation if possible.  Donations may be made to the synagogue office: 6726 Washington Avenue, Whittier, CA  90601