
18 2018

Open House and Havalah at Temple Beth David of the San Gabriel Valley

6:30PM - 9:30PM  

Temple Beth David of the San Gabriel Valley 9677 Longden Avenue
Temple City, CA

Contact Lilah Sugarman

All are welcome to join us for havdalah and open house at Temple Beth David August 18th at 6:30pm. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our community, with representatives from our Religious School, Sisterhood, Men's Club, Youth Group, and Bend the Arc. Meet community members with shmoozing and food and games and face painting for kids of all ages. 7:15pm we will come together to say farewell to Shabbat with havdalah and singing and then at 7:45pm we will dance the night away with Israeli dancing. We look forward to seeing you there. For more information contact Cantor Lilah at or reach out the synagogue at 626-287-9994.