
5 2019

Memoir Writing Class in preparation for the High Holidays

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Beth Israel of Highland Park and Eagle Rock 5711 Monte Vista
Los Angeles, CA 90042

Contact Rabbi Jason Rosner

Join Temple Beth Israel for a 4 session memoir workshop this September as we prepare ourselves for the High Holidays. During this interactive workshop we will explore the themes of personal values, forgiveness, charity and obligation and develop our intentions as we approach the new year. Each workshop session will include large and small group activities and individual writing exercises to bring forth memories on each theme. We will also take time to share our stories.

The focus of the workshop is to offer a supportive and encouraging environment for people who may be new to writing and who are interested in exploring their personal histories and capturing their lives in written form. Please note that the workshop focuses on recognizing and honoring our life experiences and does not include any critique or correction of writing style or grammar. Everyone has stories to share and everyone has a chance to be heard in their own voice. Please join us!

Sessions will be led by experienced facilitator Deborah Spector and held on Thursday evenings at 7pm on Sept 5, 12, 19, and 26. Sessions will last 90 minutes.


Sponsor: Temple Beth Israel of Highland Park and Eagle Rock