JPAC ADVOCACY DAY 2018 is fast approaching!
Hundreds of Jewish community members, students, staff and lay leaders from across California will come together in Sacramento for two days of networking, learning, and lobbying our Jewish values on issues of importance to the California Jewish community and the community at large.
Our Legislative Agenda includes:
- A legislative package that aims to alleviate poverty in California by:
- Raising the grant amounts for recipients of CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids
- Ensuring that SSI/SSP (Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program for the Aged, Blind and Disabled) payments are at least equal to the federal poverty level
- Providing matching funds to municipalities for a range of services addressing homelessness
- State Budget Proposal: California Responding to Hate on Campus Grant Program
- State Budget Proposal: Establishing the
California Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program
We will also hear from policy experts and legislators during discussions about the future of California post-Jerry Brown and how that will impact the issues we care about, including the safety net, immigration, healthcare, gun control, voting rights, and more.
Monday, May 14, 2018 - Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Citizen Hotel, Sacramento, CA
Monday, May 14:
5:30 pm: Legislators' Reception
Jerry Sampson Award honoring Senator Ben Allen for Legislator of the Year
7:00 pm: Dinner with members of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus (additional $70 fee)
Tuesday, May 15:
8:00 am - 9:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: Welcome and group exercise
9:30-11:45 am: Panel Discussion/Speakers
12:00 pm: Lunch and Keynote Speaker Assemblymember Laura Friedman
12:45 pm: Earl Raab Award for Lay Leader of the Year
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Lobbying Appointments at the Capitol
Citizen Hotel, Sacramento
To book your hotel room please call 916-492-4420 and ask for the "JPAC - Jewish Public Affairs Committee Room Block.
For more information visit our website
We hope you will join us for Advocacy Day 2018!
Sponsor: JPAC