
29 2019

Erev Rosh Hashanah at Beth Shalom

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

Beth Shalom of Whittier 6726 Washington Avenue
Whittier, CA

Contact Lance Tapper

Beth Shalom of Whittier welcomes you to our Erev Rosh Hashanah service at our interim home at First Friends Church in uptown Whittier.  The service takes place in the Meeting House (sanctuary).  Hazzan Lance H Tapper officiates together with our Beth Shalom Singers (professional choir) with Mark Peterson our organist and choir master. 

Following the service will be a gala New Year Oneg in the Fellowship Hall. 

All may attend.  High Holyday services are free to the public with a requested donation to the synagogue office at 6726 Washington Avenue, Whittier, CA  90601-4308