Blood and blood components are always necessary, but the need increases drastically in holiday seasons, during inclement weather, and natural disasters. Donating at a local drive is a convenient way to do a great Mitzvah, a good deed, and to connect with your community and a great non-profit. (This was my first donation location and now I'm up to over 100 units of Platelets.)
If you can't donate, bring your friends. All donors receive a free t-shirt.
Apheresis machine will be here for Power Red Donations (formerly known as Double Red Cell). From the red cross website:
- Save time and make your donation go further: If you are extremely busy, committed to donating blood and an eligible type O, A negative or B negative donor, Power Red may be ideal for you. Each procedure lets you give more of the product that is needed most by patients. Power Red takes approximately 30 minutes longer than a whole blood donation and you can donate approximately every four months.
- Feel better: With all of your platelets and plasma returned to you along with some saline, you don’t lose the liquid portion of your blood and may feel more hydrated after your donation.
Thanks! Toda Raba!