In his 1963 book Strength to Love, a seminal collection of sermons, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. shared the following message – “Returning hate for hate multiples hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive our hate, only love can do that.”
With all of the work we have been doing to combat antisemitism and all forms of hate by getting our local city councils to adopt resolutions denouncing it and expressing that hate has no place in their respective cities, I have been thinking a lot about the quote above and the powerful imagery and concept it shares. It was even more poignant for me yesterday as I attended my first LA County Commission on Human Relations meeting. As I was greeted and welcomed as a new commissioner, I was overwhelmed by the collection of dedicated community members from all across LA County, bringing a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. While the focus of our conversations during the meeting was varied, one thing was clear… this commission’s drive is to help LA County’s leadership make the greater Los Angeles community safe and welcoming for ALL PEOPLE.
As I walked away, a teaching from Pirkei Avot 2:16 (Teachings of our Fathers), which I have previously shared, came to mind. “It is not up to you to finish the work, yet you are not free to avoid it.” During that 1 ½ hour meeting, I saw a commitment from my fellow commissioners and staff, knowing full well that the work being done will not eradicate hate, but each program and initiative, like LA vs. Hate, is making our community stronger and safer. And that gives me hope and belief that the work we are doing here locally will help people in ways we might never see or hear about.
I look forward to providing updates on the work being done by the Human Relations Commission, including how each of us can participate in United Against Hate Week (November 12 – 18).
I wanted to provide you with a quick update, if you are keeping score at home, of our local effort to combat antisemitism and all forms of hate. As of this past Friday, San Marino became our community’s 23rd city to show their support and this evening, I am attending the City of El Monte’s City Council meeting as the council will vote on their city’s resolution. If they approve it during tonight’s meeting, they will be the 24th city, and we will have hit the 50% mark of our community’s cities who have joined and supported our effort. We know the work is not done, and I look forward to our Jewish Federation continuing to work so that our local Jewish community feels safe and protected against hate.
One final unrelated note…. I highly encourage you to get your tickets for our Cultural Arts JFed Players production of Leading Ladies, which opens next weekend. Performance dates are 10/14, 10/15, 10/19, 10/21, and 10/22. The cast and crew are working to make it an evening (or Sunday afternoon) you will not want to miss. And speaking of October 22, we are kicking off our 25th Annual Jewish Book Festival. We have an incredible line-up of authors, so look at the list and register to attend.
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