March 22, 2022

Over the weekend, my wife was filling something out and was asked what her favorite season was. It made me stop and think for a minute because I hadn’t given much thought to this for quite a while. And after thinking for a moment I realized, like my wife, my favorite season is Spring. And with Spring getting its “official” start this past Sunday I am looking at the days slightly differently. 


In an article on the Live Science website, Spring: The season of new beginnings, writer Nola Taylor Redd looks at the concept of Spring from three distinctly different angles – astronomical, biological, and cultural. Astronomically and scientifically, spring is defined as the period of time between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Biologically, spring is when the ground begins to warm up as the hemisphere that is tilted toward the sun gets more sunlight. And this triggers the beginning of new growth. Culturally, Spring is the time for celebration – from the celebration of the annual blooming of the cherry trees in Japan to the celebration of Easter in the Christian community, and of course Passover.


Over the next several weeks, as we lead up to the start of Passover on Friday night, April 15, the Jewish Federation will be sharing a lot of important information pertaining to this year’s holiday celebration. Here is a quick look:


- This Thursday (3/24), an update will be sent out on the work I have been doing with local grocery chains to ensure there is an adequate supply and variety of Passover-related foods at local stores

- Next Thursday (3/31) we will be sending out our annual Passover Resource Guide that will include insights, perspectives, family-friendly activities, recipes, and more to help everyone prepare for Passover this year

- Then on Thursday, April 7 we will have a special Passover episode of Jewish Cooking Connection that will feature a special Passover recipe that you can try this year.


So be on the lookout for all of this incredibly useful information coming your way. And feel free to share it with everyone you know.


One final note, on an entirely different topic. By now you have either received or will be receiving, Federation Focus, a new newsletter from the Jewish Federation. (If you would like, you can click here to view the online version.) We are excited to bring it to the community and encourage you to read through it and learn more about what the Jewish Federation is doing and how we are impacting the community. Our plan is to mail it out 3-4 times a year. Hope you find it informative and interesting. 


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