August 31, 2021

I could really go for a nap right now.


When I was a child, one of the things I used to hate hearing my parents say was, “Okay Jason… it’s time for your nap.” Having two kids of my own, I know that I was not the only child who dreaded this. What is it about kids not enjoying a nap? I mean, I get it… they just want to play and do what they want. I guess that enjoyment of a nap shifts when you get to college.


Man… what I would give, as an adult, for someone to tell me it is time for my nap.


Everything going on around us is really tiring me out. From the fires raging up and down the state, to Hurricane Ida and the aftermath of the storm, to the withdrawal from Afghanistan, California’s upcoming recall election…the list goes on and on and seems like it is ever-expanding and growing. I feel spent… drained for everything going on around us. I would love to be able to curl up in my bed, close my eyes, and just get away from it all… even for just a few hours.


You may have noticed that I didn’t even mention anything about COVID in the litany above, but this continues to weigh on us each day, especially as more and more people continue to be infected due to the Delta variant and people’s decision to still not get vaccinated, even though the data shows its value and worth. It continues to perplex and puzzle me that such a larger population of people still don’t get it.


And yet, even though I am frustrated by people’s lack of interest in doing their part or taking care of themselves and their loved ones, I will not stop. In fact, Rabbi Tarfon, in Pirkei Avot, reminds us that we have a responsibility to continue to care and try, even if we cannot complete the task.


Today marks the 23rd day of Elul… giving us 5 more days until Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Monday, September 6. Traditionally, in the month of Elul, we are told to reflect on the year that was and think about ways that we could have been a better form of our truest self. It is also a time to commit to make things right with people we may have wronged or hurt and ask for their forgiveness.


Even though there is so much swirling around in the world, I think it is important for all of us to take some time to reflect on our past year in these last few days before Rosh Hashanah begins. Even if it is only for 5-10 minutes, this life work is important.


While we cannot change the events that took place in the past, what we can do is commit to try harder and do things differently in the year ahead.  


Wishing you and your family a big L’Shanah Tovah U’metukah. May you have a happy and sweet new year! 


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