We are all devastated by the images and reports flooding in over the last 16 hours since the Eaton Fire broke out last night. The severity and damage are beyond imagination and worse than any of us could have imagined.
As we awoke this morning, we received the news that Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center and B'nai Simcha, which is located on the property, were burned down. Video captured by local news showed the devastation in real-time. Reports of this travesty are being seen and read about worldwide.
Sadly, we have also received word that many community members in Pasadena and Altadena lost their homes and whatever belongings they could not take with them as they evacuated. This is in addition to the countless other structures lost to this fire.
Over the last several hours, I have had numerous conversations and email exchanges with our local Jewish leaders and leaders from the Jewish Federation Los Angeles and the Jewish Federation of North America. They have expressed their sorrow and support in helping our community handle this crisis. They want us to know that we are not alone and that the Jewish community is standing with us.
Jewish Federation LA has set up a website with resources and information on ways you can help - www.jewishla.org/wildfire-crisis-relief/. Donations made on this site will be shared with our community.
Our Jewish Federation is also accepting donations to help our community members during this crisis. 100% of all donations we receive will support our community.
I have received word that the Jewish Federation of North America will provide our community with an emergency financial assistance grant to help community members in need in the short term. This might take some time to set up, but once it is done, I will make sure we communicate it.
These next several days and weeks will be challenging, and our Jewish Federation is committed to keeping the community updated as best as possible as we continue to monitor any and all developments and information we receive.
Jason Moss
Executive Director